- Pack
The BE1441 Flash Receiver is a receiver within the Visit system for indoor use, which attracts the attention of the user with a flashing light, light signal, and also by vibration if a BE1270 Bellman Bed-shaker (accessory) is connected.
It is activated via radio signals from one of the Visit System transmitters or via direct connection to an analogue telephone socket.
The flash head can be rotated to point in the direction required
The flash head can, for example, be pointed towards a wall to prevent dazzle.
A short press on the Test Button activates BE1441 so that it repeats its last indication.
System indicators
The LEDs that indicate which transmitter has activated the Visit Flash Receiver normally have the following meanings.
Orange LED indicates a baby cry transmitter.
Green LED indicates a door transmitter.
Yellow LED indicates a telephone transmitter.
Red LED indicates a fire alarm.
Flash light
When the Flash Receiver is activated, the flash light flashes with a sharp white light. The flash head can be rotated to point in the direction required The flash head can, for example, be pointed towards a wall to prevent dazzle.
The Visit Flash Receiver can power a BE1270 Bellman Bed-shaker (accessory) connected to the socket . The bed shaker is placed under the pillow to wake the user up when the Visit Flash Receiver is activated. Refer to the user manual for the relevant Visit transmitter for more information about vibration patterns.
The Visit system includes a number of radio transmitters and receivers. Transmitters (doorbell detectors, telephone bell detector, smoke detector, etc.) detect different events in the vicinity and transmit a radio signal to the receivers. The receivers capture this signal and provide indications using light, sound and / or vibrations.
For exemple: When the doorbell rings, the transmitter signals the pager on your belt. The pager’s gentle vibrations will tell you that your guests have arrived; or, when the phone rings, the transmitter signals the Flash in your living room. The bright lights will show you that someone is trying to get a hold of you.